More conversions, more normal models or painting tutorials

Saturday 4 February 2012

And Now...

I'm back, and there's a lot to post about....
Firstly, if you didn't know, please head over to 'The Sons of Mighteus', its got some great fluff for what I feel will be a great imperial guard army.
Secondly, I have decided to rename my Cadre, and if you have any suggestions please comment so I can see.
Thirdly, I have a few models to show after a tau-riffic Christmas (too bad a tau joke?)

This is the hammerhead I repainted before christmas

First new FW squad

All assembled crisis suits

Ethereal (finecast)

The Pile

(follow the links to see images if they're not working)


  1. 1. there is a lot
    2. Thanks for the redirect
    3. Suggestions:
    Tau-much information
    Ciao Tau!
    3.It was admittedly a bad Tau joke

  2. 'The Pile' link is the same as the ethereal link.


    1. Oops, thanks for pointing that out, will fix it
